BREAKING NEWS: QTS Propaganda “Town Hall” April 18

You can’t make this stuff up! (Show up Tuesday night to protest! – see below) (Send this easy email to QTS leadership) QTS, possibly through some back channel, has been allowed last minute to plan their Digital Gateway propaganda campaign at Bull Run Middle School next Tuesday, April Read More …

Press Release: Reject Don’t Re-Elect Chair Wheeler

PRESS RELEASE   Chair Wheeler Recall Effort Shifts to “Reject Don’t Re-elect” Mode Executive director says: “Citizens want to BE SURE the next four years are without Wheeler!”  Haymarket, Virginia (March 31, 2023) – Citizens seeking to cleanse the county board of “bought and paid-for” Read More …

“History is History…  You Cannot Rescind History”

“…Pageland Lane area residents, who have signed contracts to sell their properties to data center developers involved in the PW Digital Gateway, spoke against the (county registered historic site) designations during public comment time (at the PWC Historical Commission on March 14, 2023), insisting there Read More …

Get Educated on the Gainesville Supervisor Candidates!

The critical special election for the open Gainesville Supervisor seat is February 21 (see details below). Access the below articles and videos to get educated on your choices! ****************************************************** Commentary – Bob Weir was there for Thoroughfare. He’s the right choice for Gainesville, too – Read More …

Gainesville District Candidates’ Forum TONIGHT!

GAINESVILLE DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTION CANDIDATES’ FORUM FEBRUARY 9, 2023 – TONIGHT! BATTLEFIELD HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 15000 Graduation Drive Haymarket Doors open:  6:30 PM Forum at:  7:00 PM With Candidates: Kerensa G. Sumers-D Robert B. “Bob” Weir-R    Candidates are listed in the order they will appear on the ballot Read More …

Get YOUR Message ON THE RECORD For Senate Bill 1078!

Senator Chap Petersen’s Senate Bill 1078 is before the Senate Rules Committee for vote this Friday morning, February 3! Your written support to the committee is needed TODAY to get your input on the record with Committee members to VOTE YES on SB1078.  Petersen’s Senate Joint Resolution SJR 240 may also be voted on Read More …

Data Center Reform Protects Virginia – TAKE ACTION NOW!

2023 is continuing with positive momentum! This past Monday, Martin Luther King Day, 31 Viriginia residents from multiple localities boarded a bus and headed to Richmond for Lobby Day at the General Assembly.         We were organized and motivated!  We made the point to legislators that we need Read More …

MONDAY, JAN 2 – Taking the First Step to Real Change

YOU HAVE HAD NO VOICE – THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY!  Take notice of this new date – January 2 The recent resignation of Pete Candland, as a result of his conflicts of interest, provides Gainesville district residents the opportunity to regain our lost voice and elect Read More …

BETRAYAL –  What YOU Can Do About It

If you are feeling a sense of betrayal – We understand. Betrayal from your elected leaders who were willing to sacrifice your sense of community for greed. Please don’t feel despair.  Because THERE ARE plenty of Prince William County residents, countywide, who also feel your Read More …

Dec. 13 – County Board vote on Industrializing and Urbanizing entire County

Pathway to 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update Board of Supervisors vote Tuesday, December 13th, 2022 McCoart Building 1 County Complex, Woodbridge, Va Press Conference – 6:30 PM Board of Supervisors Meeting – 7:30 PM Speak!    Send an Email!     Sign the Recalls! It’s More Than Data Centers Read More …

BREAKING NEWS:   Supervisor Pete Candland Resigns Effective December 16

The Coalition will be publishing a formal response to the resignation of Supervisor Pete Candland. See Supervisor Candland’s Dec. 10 message below. ************************************************************ SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALL GAINESVILLE DISTRICT RESIDENTS Dear Friends: I have two important items that I’d like to share with you today. Read More …

The 2040 Comp Plan is taking us in the wrong direction!

The people of Prince Willam County are at a critical crossroads.  GET EDUCATED!  (Learn more here) Understand why the 2040 Comprehensive Plan advocates hidden data center and residential sprawl – which are losing propositions for citizens.  Citizens countywide are the most important stakeholders for the Read More …

The Nexus of the Future for this County

In the wee morning hours of September 15th, after an all-night meeting starting at 7:30 PM on Sept. 14, which included hundreds of citizens in opposition to the Digital Gateway, 89 opponents had to leave before being able to speak.  While they slept, in an Read More …