Vigilant PWC Citizens – Be Proud!

Ann Wheeler cannot even have a clandestine meeting in a Haymarket parking lot without a random, but vigilant, citizen snapping a picture!

WHY does this snapshot matter?

Ann Wheeler WILL meet with Truett Young of Stanley Martin, just this week, as this picture proves.  You know, Stanley Martin, the developer who wants to build MILLIONS of sq ft of data center development along Devlin Road, amidst and next to homes. AND has contributed handsomely to her reelection campaign.

But also, just last week, Chair Wheeler refused – almost proudly proclaimed – to Supervisor Lawson who suggested they hold a town hall together for Brentsville district citizens concerned about the impacts of industrializing near their homes, saying: “I don’t intend to have a joint town hall with you – EVER!” (Watch the video!)

Ann Wheeler cares about “Green” alright – the “Green” that buys her access to political power, where she openly disregards the quality-of-life concerns of citizens, by calling them NIMBY!

If you are concerned about the protected lands within the Digital Gateway application being at risk of being erased, don’t forget: those lands also include the history of enslaved African-Americans, and Jennie Dean’s settlement!

If you want to understand Ann Wheeler’s faux commitment to protecting documented and established African-American Cemeteries and Indigenous Peoples’ Burial Grounds, just consider the continued desecration of cemeteries in the Thoroughfare community – a community with direct ancestral links to Pageland Lane – all within the Rural Crescent.

Coalition appeals to Justice Department to save Black cemetery |

Chair Wheeler is refusing to comment on what is going on in Thoroughfare.  She is pushing the Digital Gateway, which encompasses more cemeteries and Jennie Dean’s legacy.

Ann Wheeler is intent on destroying all of the Rural Crescent, no matter the cost.

It is clear, Ann Wheeler DOES care about protecting HER style of living.

She certainly DOES NOT CARE about respecting those who have gone before us.  AND she is disrespecting all of us who are still here today.