“History is History…  You Cannot Rescind History”

“…Pageland Lane area residents, who have signed contracts to sell their properties to data center developers involved in the PW Digital Gateway, spoke against the (county registered historic site) designations during public comment time (at the PWC Historical Commission on March 14, 2023), insisting there is “nothing left” of historical value remaining on their properties.”

““This is backroom politics at its most deceptive,” said Page Snyder, who owns about 150 acres in the PW Digital Gateway area.”

“Snyder, whose mother Annie Snyder was among those who led the fight in the 1990s against a Disney theme park proposed outside Haymarket because of its impact on the battlefield and surrounding historic areas, called the Historical Commission’s attempt to designate her family’s property as a (county) registered historic site “outrageous.” “

Prince William County Historical Commission moves to protect historic sites near the PW Digital Gateway | News | princewilliamtimes.com

A mere ten years, ago, during the battle to stop the Bi-County (or Tri-County) parkway, led by those same homeowners along Pageland Lane, the community turned out en masse to protect the Rural Crescent and Hallowed Ground.

To that end, the Coalition wanted to share a video that was important during that fight to protect the Pageland corridor. In fact, in this short video, there are numerous times the Pageland corridor is referred to as a “historic district.”

Watch the video below for yourself.  Both Maryann Ghadban and Page Snyder say it better than anyone…….

VIDEO:  40+ Acres of Historic Manassas Battlefield Park lands will be taken by Bi County Parkway – YouTube

From: Say No To Tri-County Parkway <Commuteralert@gmail.com>
Subject: Video-Say Good-Bye to History and PWC
Date: July 23, 2013 at 8:37:38 PM EDT

The only difference between then and now is obscene amounts of money.

We leave you with THEIR words.

…we must move from the fast-track to a measured pace, continue the neighborhood conversation, listen to residents, EXAMINE ALTERNATIVES, and make decisions that care for the Rural Crescent and Manassas NBP.”

“…WE MUST REMAIN VIGILANT – This is a problem for all Virginians”

–> Listen to the audio of the March 15, 2023 Historical Commission meeting here.
