YOU Can Be A Part Of Something Extraordinary

Dear Supporters,   We are all experiencing a time that will be remembered in the history books.  A time when unrestrained, big data center money nearly won in tipping the scale for greed; over the health and well-being of neighborhoods, communities, counties, and states.   WE, EACH ONE OF US, are Read More …

Get Involved! Haymarket Day & Planning Commission hearing on Digital Gateway

First – Some fun news. The Coalition to Protect Prince Willilam County, along with friends and neighbors from the community, will once again be marching in the Haymarket Day Parade reminding everyone why protecting the Rural Crescent is so important! HAYMARKET DAY NEXT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 Read More …

This Community Has Been Busy!

Dear Supporters, Never let it be said that this community does not find creative ways to make sure our voices and concerns are heard! On Sunday, outside of a Democrat Party fundraiser advertised as “Back the Board” with headliners Tim Kaine and Ann Wheeler, a small Read More …

“How am I impacted?”

People keep asking us if they will be impacted by transmission lines and substations required for Data Centers popping up throughout communities. You can easily see many of the impacts – in these easy-to-understand overviews, with MAPS included. These overviews summarize the plans from our electric power providers, PJM, Dominion, and Read More …

Make Sure Your Voice is Heard on SUSTAINABILITY!

Take some simple steps today to address the SUSTAINABILITY of our County!  (Access this easy click-to-send email or other options below) Please read the recent blog post from the Prince William Conservation Alliance! “…a Sustainability Office and Commission acknowledged the increasing environmental challenges we are facing Read More …

ALL of Virginia is at Risk!

The totality of the impacts of unrestrained data center development was unknown — until now. The impacts are now clear:  with PJM, our regional transmission line grid operator/manager, unveiling a multi-state solution to the threats of blackouts. It is undeniable that this massive infrastructure demand is “customer” driven Read More …

ALERT! “Predictable” Ann Wheeler Strikes Again!

Dear Coalition Supporters, Before we get into the recent updates, we want to congratulate you on the impacts YOU have made by sending letters, speaking up, collecting recall signatures, volunteering at the polls, putting up signs, writing letters to the editor, joining the Coalition at rallies, Read More …

PWC Data Centers require multiple NEW transmission lines and substations

We thought it would be a good idea to resurrect one of our most recent cartoons to remind people why one-term Chair Ann Wheeler’s plan to industrialize western Prince William County is so dangerous. The Coalition to Protect PWC has already shared with you that we, along with nearly Read More …

History’s final judgement has not yet been written

There are very few instances in life where the lessons of history do not need time to be validated. We are experiencing one of those rare opportunities. History is judging in real time.  This Board of County Supervisors does not need hindsight to understand the Read More …

STOP Lame-Duck Land Use Decisions

The news about Prince William County’s data center disaster is now spreading beyond our county, our state, and our country. Whether it’s the monstrosity called Villages Technology Park in Gainesville that Wheeler, Franklin, Boddye, Bailey, and Angry approved after being warned it was going to Read More …

VOTE Tomorrow!

Dear Neighbors, Friends, and PWC Residents, Over the past two years – together: We have traveled twice to Richmond to support legislation to control data center proliferation. We have marched in a parade highlighting the unique qualities of our Rural Crescent. We have initiated TWO recalls:  one Read More …

“…a situation that is becoming increasingly dire, …”

This is something EVERYONE needs to pay attention to NOW: “As the data center industry’s appetite for energy continues to grow, land with access to the massive amounts of power these facilities need has become scarce in major data center hubs like Northern Virginia and Silicon Valley. It’s Read More …

Held hostage by outside influences …. Vote to change it

On May 23, concerning land-use management behaviors were on full display at the Prince William Board of County Supervisors meeting. The Rock Water Farm’s application for a special use permit to operate a landscaping and truck facility along U.S. 15 in the Gainesville District was Read More …

Thoroughfare, and other Hallowed Ground, Deserve Your Attention

Dear Neighbors, What we know:  Past behavior is a predictor of the future. Our past, our current, and our future histories are being erased unless we all get engaged to prevent this. (Send a powerful message to Compass and our county leadership – see below) Read More …