We are Resilient!

Dear Supporters,

First we want to say — you all are amazing.  To consistently stand up in the face of overwhelming odds is a testament to the bravery, goodness, and tenacity of residents.  

The outcome was not a surprise. 

However, the ‘kabuki show’ in the last 20 minutes of the hearing was definitely an interesting twist.  In those final moments, we witnessed:

  • Last minute proffers, that could not be verified for their legality, being approved into the application by the Board majority
  • We experienced a Supervisor not only publicly target a resident from the dais, she subsequently blew dismissive kisses at the resident — from the dais
  • We watched the legal team giggling about the setup and the charade as it unfolded
  • Then we got to witness the lead attorney for the applicant play the role of a used-car salesman, saying he had to “step out to ask his boss” if he can ‘give the discount on the sticker price or throw in the 2-year warranty’ for the requested proffer — knowing all the while the entire charade was a carefully orchestrated and pre-ordained game

In the end, with Kenny Boddye taking the so-called “courageous” way out by abstaining, the twice recommended-for-denial Digitial Gateway “to Hell” passed — 4-3.

What we found most predictable, and yet still deplorable, was the Chair and majority Supervisors casting shade on the community for standing up to the Board’s corrupt process. Lies and more lies were thrown out by Supervisors, claiming if only we had been nicer that maybe they would have voted differently?   Is this how elected leaders make decisions?  If you go groveling and begging for them to listen to the detrimental impacts of industrial development, they will make the right decisions?

We can all read.  We can all see the hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations flowing into local campaigns, in numbers we have never ever seen before.  This community is not stupid.

So, the most important question — What Now?

As community members formulate next steps, do NOT waver, do not lose sleep.  This community pushed them up against the ropes.  And THEY made mistakes.

Stay tuned friends.  There will be new ways for you to make a difference on this issue.  And it will NOT require going to the County Government building to address this issue.

We wanted to include some pictures of the 27 hours the community spent together.  A reporter from a national magazine, observing us in the late hours, commented “It looks like you are having a party!”  To which we replied “THIS is how real community is preserved. We find comradery, friendship, and joy. Otherwise, this kind of fight is too hard, too negative.”

The Chair planned the Digital Gateway application hearing DURING Hanukkah and 13 days before Christmas — we lit the candles and celebrated our holidays in spite of it all.

Because we know that light ALWAYS follows the darkness.

Remember, this was the expected vote outcome — and we ARE RESILIENT!

PLEASE DONATE!We are now in litigation posture.