Happy New Year! UPDATES!

Happy New Year’s Eve to all our supporters!

As we say goodbye to 2023, let us all take pride in our collective effort:  NEVER backing down from getting the facts out in the open.

This January will be an exciting time to continue our journey to make a difference, not only with Digitial Gateway lawsuits against the County, but also with the important initiative which we began last year – getting oversight on the data center industry at a state level.

We are not waiting around to set the tone for 2024!

Please tune in tomorrow, January 1st at 8:35 AM to WMAL, to hear Chap Petersen, counsel for the Coalition, discuss the Prince William Digital Gateway. 

Enter this new year with hope!

Hope that we will prevail in the courts.

Hope that we will have busloads signed up to go to Richmond to lobby our General Assembly to create the regulations needed to protect our homes, our natural and cultural resources, our water, our air, and our energy grid.

Rarely does life create such important opportunities to say you were a part of that change, not only for your own quality of life, but for the future as well.

We can’t do this without your help.

The Coalition brings a unique voice to these efforts and we appreciate the trust and faith you have had in us since we forced Dominion Energy to settle on the hybrid transmission line route after an epic four-year battle.

We promise to bring that same passion and effort to this legal challenge.

Now that Digital Gateway has been approved, what’s next for the massive data center project? | Headlines | insidenova.com

Suddenly, US electricity demand is spiking. Can the… | Canary Media

The Data Center industry requires power like no other in the world. And the 20th century power delivery system is simply antiquated for this 21st century industry.  The crisis in front of us isn’t just about WHAT kind of generation can meet this unique power demand, it’s about what is at risk in order to meet their load demand:

  • historic districts
  • drinking water supplies
  • clean air
  • private property seized via eminent domain

And then – WHO pays for the life’s blood of their industry…. their electricity?

We all recognize the digital era is here, woven into so much of what we do, but like every new industry, innovation comes.  Innovation is inevitable in order to survive. We believe the time for necessary innovation is now.

We believe this picture best represents that evolution of change.  That largest memory disc must weigh close to 50 lbs, but, on the far right, that itty-bitty thumb drive we all use now, doesn’t even register on the scale!

Happy New Year’s Eve to all our supporters!

As we say goodbye to 2023, let us all take pride in our collective effort:  NEVER backing down from getting the facts out in the open.

This January will be an exciting time to continue our journey to make a difference, not only with Digitial Gateway lawsuits against the County, but also with the important initiative which we began last year – getting oversight on the data center industry at a state level.

We are not waiting around to set the tone for 2024!

Please tune in tomorrow, January 1st at 8:35 AM to WMAL, to hear Chap Petersen, counsel for the Coalition, discuss the Prince William Digital Gateway. 

Enter this new year with hope!

Hope that we will prevail in the courts.

Hope that we will have busloads signed up to go to Richmond to lobby our General Assembly to create the regulations needed to protect our homes, our natural and cultural resources, our water, our air, and our energy grid.

Rarely does life create such important opportunities to say you were a part of that change, not only for your own quality of life, but for the future as well.

We can’t do this without your help.

The Coalition brings a unique voice to these efforts and we appreciate the trust and faith you have had in us since we forced Dominion Energy to settle on the hybrid transmission line route after an epic four-year battle.

We promise to bring that same passion and effort to this legal challenge.

Now that Digital Gateway has been approved, what’s next for the massive data center project? | Headlines | insidenova.com

Suddenly, US electricity demand is spiking. Can the… | Canary Media

The Data Center industry requires power like no other in the world. And the 20th century power delivery system is simply antiquated for this 21st century industry.  The crisis in front of us isn’t just about WHAT kind of generation can meet this unique power demand, it’s about what is at risk in order to meet their load demand:

  • historic districts
  • drinking water supplies
  • clean air
  • private property seized via eminent domain

And then – WHO pays for the life’s blood of their industry…. their electricity?

We all recognize the digital era is here, woven into so much of what we do, but like every new industry, innovation comes.  Innovation is inevitable in order to survive. We believe the time for necessary innovation is now.

We believe this picture best represents that evolution of change.  That largest memory disc must weigh close to 50 lbs, but, on the far right, that itty-bitty thumb drive we all use now, doesn’t even register on the scale!


As with any other industry, there must be a push for positive change.

We are ALL that push.

So please, don’t forget to tune in to WMAL on Monday morning, 8:35 AM.

And also DONATE to create that change, with the Coalition lawsuit AND for accountability on a state level.
As with any other industry, there must be a push for positive change.

We are ALL that push.

So please, don’t forget to tune in to WMAL on Monday morning, 8:35 AM.

And also DONATE to create that change, with the Coalition lawsuit AND for accountability on a state level.