There was a time, early on in 2021 while we were deep in COVID with no way to organize, that hope was all we clung to.  Hope in the belief that we would find a way to prevail against the industrial abomination of the Digital Gateway.

With only days to go, hope has won out.

Now is NOT the time to give up!


The Coalition to Protect Prince William County and their attorney Chap Petersen will be holding a press conference at

11 AM
Monday, December 11, 2023

to discuss their Opposition to the Digital Gateway Project, which is scheduled for a vote before the County Board of Supervisors on December 12, 2023.

The project was recently recommended for denial by Prince William County Planning and Zoning staff, and also by Prince William County Planning Commission.  In addition, the applicant has failed to properly advertise the vote as required by state law and County Ordinance.

The Coalition and its counsel will discuss all these issues and legal options going forward.

This press conference will take place
at the front entrance of the
McCoart Administration Building
1 County Complex Ct., Woodbridge VA 22192.

All members of the media and the public are invited to attend.


SEND THIS EMAILIn addition to speaking in person or remotely at Tuesday’s public hearing, get your name on the record with this statement.


DONATEHelp us to continue doing what it takes to protect our community!