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‘Oh what a tangled web we weave – When first we practice to deceive


WUSA-TV: Prince William Co. commonwealth attorney’s office ‘looking into matter’ as residents start petition to recall Board Chair Ann Wheeler

“Prince William County Board of Supervisor Chair Ann Wheeler is under fire by residents and a conservation group.”

WUSA video:  Prince William County Board of Supervisor Chair Ann Wheeler under fire – YouTube

“The Coalition to Protect Prince William County started a petition to recall her after financial records disclosed to the county revealed she had invested tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars in technology companies tied with data centers.”

“The chief of staff for Commonwealth Attorney Amy Ashworth said the office is “looking into the matter.”  (Read entire WUSA article)


Potomac Local: Residents demand Wheeler’s resignation following data center stock dump, call FBI

Chris Griffin, 38, a business owner and lifelong Prince William County resident calls on Board Chair At-large Ann Wheeler to resign. [Photo: Uriah Kiser/PLN]

“Storm clouds continue to gather for Ann Wheeler, the top locally-elected official in Prince William County, Chair-At-large of the Board of County Supervisors.”

“As thunder rolled during a summer storm on Tuesday, July 12, residents gathered outside the county government center demanded Wheeler, the highest elected county official, resign from office or face a recall campaign. It’s the second call for resignation in as many weeks for a member of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors.”

“According to Wheeler’s 2021 financial disclosure, the Chair listed a 300% increase in purchased stock compared to 2020 in nine data center firms. One of them, Blackstone, Inc., is pushing the Board of County Supervisors to rezone more than 800 acres next to the Manassas National Battlefield Park to build a data center campus.”

“Since taking office in January 2020, Wheeler has voted to approve the tax rates data centers pay, amend the county’s comprehensive plan to allow more data centers, and participated in closed meeting discussions about the potential of more data centers built in the county.”

“Wheeler…has put her own personal and financial interests above those of the residents of Prince William County. She has to be removed from office,” said Marilyn Karp, a community activist who campaigned for a wave of Democrats, like Wheeler, all to be elected to public office in Prince William County since 2017.” (Read entire Potomac Local article)


The recall effort is non-partisan.  Expecting trust in your elected leaders is the foundation of Democracy.

We are stronger together as a community when we stand up for transparency – facts informing both process and decision making – but most of all, when we stand up for respect for ALL citizens.

Watch the shocking video below.  Only hours after the press conference announcing her recall, here is Ann Wheeler AGAIN being exposed in a conflict of interest – from within her own office.  Her reaction says it all……..she scoffs it off, she doesn’t care.

Failure to disclose:


Are you a registered voter in the Gainesville district who wants to change what is going on?  Read the facts here. Then download and sign the Candland recall petition, and send your signature in.

Are you a registered voter in any district of Prince Willliam County who wants to change what is going on?  Read the facts here.  Then download and sign the Wheeler recall petition and send your signature in.

Join with the hundreds who have already signed, to recall – in opposition of abuse of office and personal profit-making.

Let’s change the dynamic on our county board of supervisors.