Industrialization Without Representation

“The Coalition to Protect Prince William County, a longtime advocate for the county’s protected “rural crescent,” announced Tuesday an effort to recall Gainesville District Supervisor Pete Candland, charging he has neglected his duty and misused his office as a result of his personal financial interest in the Prince William Digital Gateway, a massive new data center corridor proposed for rural northern Prince William County on land bordering the Manassas National Battlefield Park and the Conway Robinson Memorial State Forest.”

“In a press conference before the Prince William Board of County Supervisors’ June 28 evening meeting, Elena Schlossberg, the nonprofit’s executive director, joined about 15 other Gainesville District residents to “demand that Pete Candland resign” or be subject to a recall petition.”

“Patrick Harder(s), who called himself a former Candland supporter and a “conservative Republican,” said he was there to fight “against the Democrats to protect the environment” in what he called “this bizarre land of Prince William County government.”

“I am a conservative that is going against Pete Candland because he has betrayed us and he has enriched himself, and this is the ultimate betrayal that we continue to see from our politicians,” Harder(s) said. “…We the people are the power in this country. We must stand up against corruption and against backroom deals.”

“In Gainesville, we face industrialization without representation,” added Carolyn Cameron, also a Gainesville resident and supporter of the recall effort.”

Prince William Times article can be read in full here

And from the Bristow Beat:  Gainesville District Citizens Launch Effort to Recall Supervisor Candland

“Candland’s continued participation in business advancing his personal interests came after both County and Commonwealth attorneys recommended he recuse himself from specific matters, notably at the January 18 and May 24 Supervisors meetings … the latter of which came only four days after Commonwealth’s Attorney Amy Ashworth opinion that Candland should neither discuss or vote on anything related to the PW Digital Gateway or the Data Center Opportunity Zone Overlay District.”

“Meanwhile, Candland has been advising nearby property owners on how to pursue their own rezoning. Candland’s problem isn’t that he’s unable to talk about his constituents’ interests. Candland is worse than compromised. He’s complicit in enriching himself while working against his constituents’ interests.”

“Remember, while Pete Candland stands to make several million dollars selling his property to data centers, his disqualification silences his vote, thus silencing our voices, we will not stand idly by and watch our community sold to the highest bidder.”

InsideNoVa, explains the process of a recall:  Recall effort launched against Prince William Supervisor Pete Candland over controversial data center proposal | Prince William |

“Candland won re-election in 2019 over Democrat Danny Funderburk with 57.6% of the 17,952 votes cast. The petition would need signatures from at least 1,796 registered (Gainesville District) voters.  In Virginia, a recall petition is entirely handled by the local Circuit Court rather than through a vote. If the petition is submitted and certified, the court would hold a trial before making a decision. A special election would be required to fill out the remaining year of his term.”

Please read the petition rules, and download, print, and fill out the petition signature form if you would like to participate in ensuring a representative democracy returns to Gainesville District citizens.

Under state law, the Prince William County Board of Supervisors cannot appoint a temporary replacement ahead of a special election.

Pete Candland ran on smart growth, protecting the rural crescent, and protecting our quality of life.  All of that is at risk with his “absence.”

Access the complete Candland Recall Petition here.

See more articles:

Letter to Editor:  Supervisors’, data center supporters’ conflict of interest cloud PW Digital Gateway plan – Prince William Times

Citizens group announces effort to recall Gainesville Supervisor Pete Candland – Bull Run Observer Now

“UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot,

Nothing is going to get better. 

It’s not.”   The Lorax