Letter: On local taxes, actions speak louder than words – Prince William Times

LETTER: On local taxes, actions speak louder than words | Opinion | princewilliamtimes.com

Mar 6, 2022

Did you hear? Our county supervisors want to lower your taxes. And the drug dealer wants everyone to kick the habit.

Prince William Board of County Supervisors Chair Ann Wheeler has said the increased local tax revenue from plowing up our heritage for more data centers will result in a lower tax burden for homeowners. And more money for schools, parks, police and fire protection. Did you realize data centers will also help you lose weight?

Before you sign up for this deal, check out what is already happening. Right now, Prince William has 26 operating data centers and 31 others under development. Yet the annual residential real estate tax bill will rise by an average of $233 this year, in addition to a new 4% meals tax on struggling local restaurants.

And I thought Chair Wheeler said the reason we are courting data centers to desecrate Manassas National Battlefield Park and Conway Robinson State Forest is to reduce the county’s reliance on residential real estate taxes. Yet here we are raising the tax burden on homeowners while data centers continue get a good neighbor discount.

Based on what the supervisors are DOING, how can you believe what they are SAYING?

Prince William’s tax on computer peripherals is slightly more than one third of Loudoun’s rate. If they really mean what they say, supervisors should raise the tax rate on computer peripherals to offset lowering the burden on homeowners.

Make data centers pay their fair share and stick to the overlay district where they belong.

Bill Wright
