LETTER: Opposition to rural area data centers more than a NIMBY concern: Prince William Times

The revelations about the dreadful Prince William Digital Gateway proposal gets worse with every passing day. A recent story indicated that data center QTS has been planning with county officials to site an 800-acre campus in the rural crescent in breach of our current land use policies. Not surprising, considering how completely our supervisors have fallen under the spell of corporate cash.

Residents of my neighborhood, Heritage Hunt, have been accused of fighting this desecration solely for selfish NIMBY reasons. I’ll admit that when I first heard of this idea, I worried about the impact to my community. But as I become more informed about how and why this awful idea moves inexorably forward, my outrage over the greed and deception that is driving this atrocity against the environment has transcended any personal interest.

But for reasons known only to their accountants, proponents insist that we must plunder the rural crescent and defile the Manassas battlefield. You know this is just the first crack in the dam. Then the floodgates will open, ruining more land.

Funny how retired people seem more interested in the future than those who have a greater stake in it. I hope it’s wisdom.

Mary Winsky
