Opinion: Stop bullies and corruption from taking the Virginia we love – Prince William Times

LETTER: Stop bullies and corruption from taking the Virginia we love | Opinion | princewilliamtimes.com

I love Virginia and what we have here. I have only left Virginia four times. Virginia has always been “home” — and everything that means.

I am watching bullies and politicians work together, RIGHT HERE in Prince William County, methodically tear up and eliminate the Virginia that I treasure.

We scrimped and saved and DIY-built everything at our home. The land around us is developed; we are surrounded by homes on properties ranging from a quarter acre to working farms of hundreds of acres. Some people might want to sell and walk away, but the majority are here for the long haul and the life they have created.

It’s what we wanted, and it’s perfect.

How can our county board of supervisors have no soul? How can they eradicate what brought, and kept, citizens in Prince William?

There is no hope for Chair Ann Wheeler. She said during her campaign that her farmer acquaintances are “entitled to be able to sell for what they want.” Gainesville Supervisor Pete Candland is a betrayer and just absent.

Are the other supervisors going to ensure that corruption, bullies and profiteers rob my grandchildren — and yours — of the history, resources and beauty of Virginia?

Or are they going to refuse to be minions of the chair and make their own decisions, ensuring our land will endure? Learn more at the Coalition to Protect Prince William County: protectpwc.org.

Karen Sheehan
