Opinion: Data center plan’s consequences must be studied – Prince William TImes

LETTER: Data center plan’s consequences must be studied | Opinion | princewilliamtimes.com

The Prince William Digital Gateway application is fraught with misconceptions and ignorance of the consequences, and this is unlikely to be an issue in isolation.

If protecting our forests, parks, reservoirs and open spaces is no longer an impediment to run-away industrial blight, then no one in this county can be confident that our planning department or the Prince William Board of County Supervisors is making sustainable, common-sense land-use decisions.

The proposed re-zoning of the land around Pageland Lane to allow numerous data centers to be built is a prime example of this. There are so many issues that will negatively impact the ecology of this land if the Prince William Digital Gateway proposal is approved. These need to be studied before any decision is made. The 2,100+ acres include wetlands and even, possibly, unmarked burial sites. Surely, we need to spend some time studying the effects of this proposed build-out.

Why are the Prince William Board of County Supervisors rushing to approve this when so many of their constituents have serious reservations about the wisdom of such a move?

Sally Peterson
