Letter: Data center plan lacks plan for climate change – Prince William Times

LETTER: Data center plan lacks plan for climate change | Opinion | princewilliamtimes.com

The Prince William County Planning Office does not know how to plan. They have so misjudged how the citizens of this county feel about the PWC Digital Gateway that they had to reschedule the remote speakers for the Jan. 27 public meeting on the rural data center plan to Thursday, Feb. 3.

How can you plan a meeting with no presentations from the county on a subject where more than 300 people are attending in person, with a growing petition of signatures asking the Prince William County Board of County Supervisors to vote NO on the PWC Digital Gateway comprehensive plan amendment, building a four-lane highway and increasing the Data Center Overlay District?

The planning department has no plans to study the impact of this massive change to our land use – a dereliction of duty, a level of incompetence beyond comprehension.

We are living in a climate crisis. We need plans for the sustainability of our infrastructure, our environment, our water. This community has repeatedly asked for a water study, which has still not been done.

This planning department and the Prince William County Board of Supervisors are climate change deniers.

They’ll be in reactive mode when there is too much salt in our water because of so many new impervious surfaces, many snowstorms and much salting of the roads. The Planning Department should conduct environment impact studies now.

The planning office and the supervisors never say the words ‘climate crisis.” The climate crisis is real. We have to stop these dangerous people.

Marilyn Karp


(1) comment
Catharpin411 Feb 2, 2022 4:37pm
Though I support your basic premise, the County staff are stuck on the horms of a predicament.

They have been told to green light the program, the surveyors are already out there, ye they have grossly misjudged the push back from the taxpayers. This is inspired of not having a Supervisor able and willing to speak for us when the doors are closed.

So now we see the county taxpayer giving a HUGE THUMBS DOWN while the Supervisors want it to go through so they get to approve the BiCounty Pway and DESTROY air, land, water, flora, fauna …and forever.

Vote no!