Opinion: Digital Gateway a get-rich-quick scheme

Letter: Digital Gateway a get-rich-quick scheme | Opinion | insidenova.com

Feb 1, 2022

I have been an ardent opponent of the Prince William Digital Gateway, a get-rich-quick scheme concocted by greedy landowners and their developer henchmen to plunder western Prince William County for their personal enrichment.

I chose to retire in western Prince William only two years ago. If this proposal is passed, I will realize that choosing a future in Prince William was a mistake, and I will flee our miserable new data center alley, as will all of the residents of Pageland Lane who have disingenuously influenced the Democratic members of our Board of County Supervisors into embracing this awful idea.

But what about those who are not as fortunate as I am? They will be stuck with the ugly, ravaged landscape, damaged environment and dirty water our elected officials foisted upon them, while the landed gentry who conned them into it are living in luxury elsewhere with the fruits of our supervisors’ gullibility.

And who will our government officials stick next? How many will think twice before moving to, or remaining in, Prince William after it becomes the industrial wasteland they built in child-like pursuit of their shiny new toys? Who of our residents will be able to trust that their modest dreams won’t become nightmares at the sudden whim of opportunistic developers and short-sighted supervisors?

Prince William is at a crossroads, and our supervisors are now considering the path it will take. I hope they choose carefully so that future generations will be proud to call it home.

– Bill Wright, Gainesville