Letter to Editor: How much are our lives worth to the Prince William supervisors? – Prince William Times


Dec 17, 2021

The Prince William County supervisors ignore the current data center overlay district and are not waiting for the new data center overlay district study to be complete.

The supervisors are studying not doing a water study for the entire county’s drinking water. Yet the climate crisis gets more and more real, as demonstrated in Kentucky on Friday Dec. 10.

Board Chair Ann Wheeler is proposing sewers in the “rural crescent” without doing a study to see the impact on the existing growth to the sewage capacity at local wastewater treatment plants: the Upper Occoquan Sewer Authority (UOSA) and The Noman M. Cole Jr. Pollution Control Plant.

Supervisors ignore the impacts of air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, light pollution of data centers that are placed in residential communities. In the Gainesville District they will be less than a mile from Tyler Elementary and Pace West schools.

Supervisors must consider what it means to the wildlife when you cut off the Conway Robinson Memorial State Forest.

Most people can agree that included in one’s quality of life is air you can breathe, water you can drink and having trees that absorb C02, peace and quiet and the ability to see the stars in the night sky.

All of this new data center development is being considered because of MONEY.

Prince William County supervisors have now put a a value on our lives. How dare they! What makes this despicable is that I voted for and/or worked for the majority of you to get elected.

Marilyn Karp