Supervisor Lawson: Alert! Data Centers in Rural Crescent


The time has come, yet again, for me to implore you for help

The future of our County and protected rural areas has reached a critical juncture. Over the last two decades, the Rural Crescent has encountered numerous threats, but none as physical and immediate as the one facing it now.

On July 20th, the BOCS will consider initiating a Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) which could change the long-range land designation from Agricultural to Tech Flex. This change in land designation of a rural area will invite intense commercial development or expansion of data centers in our rural areas and alongside the Manassas Battlefield. The adverse effects of such a change would have numerous environmental repercussions to our County. Understandably, environmental organizations are therefore also opposed to expansion of data centers into PWC’s rural area. The following have publicly registered their objection:

Sierra Club

National Parks Conservation Association

Piedmont Environmental Council

Prince William Conservation Alliance

Virginia Native Plant Society

Further, the National Park System, to include the Manassas National Battlefield Park and the Prince William Forest Park, has also expressed serious concerns about data centers being built alongside the park border, compromising the historical integrity of the battlefield and significantly diminishing the value of the site. Additionally, two nonprofit organizations, American Battlefield Trust and Bull Run Civil War Round Table, have also conveyed their concerns for this CPA application.

It is imperative that residents attend Tuesday’s meeting and tell the Board you do not approve of this amendment. YOU affect the outcome by showing up! While emails are helpful, the most impact you can have is by being there in person to put pressure on this Board to have your voices heard.

I’m sure many of you are familiar with what is going on with the Loudoun County School Board meetings the last few months. The reason they are receiving so much attention is because the number of concerned residents who show up to every meeting is impressive – and government leaders (and media) take notice when that happens!

So, please join me in this fight:


            When: Tuesday, July 20th

            Time: 7:30pm

            Where: McCoart Building, 1 County Complex Court, Woodbridge

            Sign up: In the Atrium upon arrival for Agenda Item 13A2    


While I strongly encourage everyone to attend in person, if that is not possible, you can still participate by speaking virtually (sign up by 5pm, Monday, July 19th!) or contacting the Board by clicking here.

I hope to see you there!

