PWC provides 40% of Occoquan Watershed

The vote for the PW Digital Gateway on Pageland Lane is much bigger than just PWC to protect the Watershed in all of the NOVA region. Environmental and Water Studies need to be completed before votes can be taken!
May be an image of ‎map and ‎text that says '‎ Done Loudoun Occoquan Watershed Drainage Basin Fauquier Fairfax Alexandria Arlington Prince William nvrc Rngianal ف1 Percentage of Land Area in the Occoquan Basin by Jurisdiction Fairfax 17.3% Loudoun 4.7% Pr.William 40.1% Fauquier 35.9% emVrgntaRaguenao nvrc Cities 2.0%‎'‎‎
Why the rural crescent and SRR make Prince William County so important to the regions drinking water!