Supervisor Lawson: Rural Crescent Lives Another Day

Friends –

Last night was proof that citizens who continue speaking out can make a difference! Thank you to everyone from across the county who came to all the meetings, wrote emails, spoke virtually, and especially those who heeded my call to come and speak in person (particularly those who were able to stay until the wee hours of the morning!).

While I consider this a short-term victory – one that leaves me feeling very guarded – I am pleased to report the Rural Crescent lives on…for now! The long awaited and widely supported Purchase of Development Rights program has finally been adopted. This program has proven to be successful to true preservation in neighboring counties, and I’m thrilled we will finally have our own program to offer large landowners.

The Board unanimously denied the Rural Area Plan; however, I believe the denial had a mixed bag of motives. As you know, I’ve always objected to the idea that to “preserve” the rural area we need to “develop” the rural area. Every nationally recognized land use planning expert agrees sewer lines are the enemy of preservation, which is exactly why I didn’t support the plan. Even though it did have elements in the plan that I agree with, the key component is the extension of public sewer into the rural area.

Chair Wheeler made her position very clear as to why she voted down the Rural Area Plan. She wants a clean slate and is very supportive of sewer extensions. Frankly, I believe her intent is to support more than what the plan would have allowed. This may explain why she, and other colleagues, chose to remand the Residential Clustering and Transfer of Development Rights back to our Planning Commission.

I will sum up the night by equating the series of votes to a restart.  But in this restart discussion, it was also clear Chair Wheeler is interested in allowing data centers in the Pageland Lane corridor, and of course, that would only be the beginning.

Again, I’d like to thank all of the passionate residents who contributed their time, their energy and their hearts. Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for the meaningful and immeasurable impact that residents have had on the land use process in Prince William County. YOU are the ones who inspire me to roll up my sleeves and keep working on ways to protect the beautiful jewel that we have in the rural area.

We cannot rest on our laurels. The next crucial vote where citizen participation is imperative is on Tuesday, May 18th at 7:30pm in the McCoart Building (1 Complex Ct Woodbridge) where the Board will be discussing data centers in the rural area. Once again, I am asking you to make every effort to attend the meeting and speak in person. Help me defend PWC by protecting the unique qualities that makes this home!

Please continue to stay engaged, vigilant and involved. 

