Robbery & Ruin by Forces from Within

Most of the newly elected Supervisors to our County Board are seeking ways to dismantle what we have fought so hard to protect.  The suggestions they are floating threaten our pocketbooks, our National Parks, our Rural Crescent, our water supply, our historical and other critical resources.

Provided below are links to multiple recent emails and articles for your review.  These address many of the issues we are all facing.  These threats cannot be ignored.

In the next day or so we will be providing a petition that concerned citizens can customize and send to our Board of Supervisors, Planning Commissioners and Planning Department – letting them know that we want them to protect our critical county resources for all our families.

It is unacceptable that they are trying to upend a decades long Rural Crescent policy in the middle of a pandemic – taking advantage of the inability of citizens to gather together in person.  The blight that we are all facing, everywhere throughout our county, is imminent and real.  It is critical that every single person who cares, speak up now, and take action now.

Tomorrow night, Wednesday March 10 at 7 PM, the Prince William Conservation Alliance is hosting a People’s Town Hall.  Register for this Zoom meeting now.  Join your neighbors and community leaders to consider the challenges we face, and share ideas and solutions, as we work together to protect a sustainable future for this generation and the next.

Get Up To Speed, Stay Tuned, Be Active!

Read more…

Vaccines, Budget, and Rural Development in PWC –  Supervisor Candland email.

Prince William Times:  County to look for more land for data centers, including in the ‘rural crescent’

Prince William Times:  Massive 800-acre data center deal proposed for ‘rural crescent’

Economic Development – Elena Schlossberg, Exec. Director Coalition to Protect PWC email

Haymarket Transmission Line fight lessons should not be ignored – Elena Schlossberg, Exec. Director Coalition to Protect PWC email