Solar in PWC – Letter from residents

From: karensheehan <>
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2021 2:22 PM
To: ‘Hugh, Wade’ <>
Cc: ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘Tom Sheehan (’ <>
Subject: Solar in Prince William County

Dear Wade –

Our residential solar installation has now been in operation for almost two months, and we certainly enjoy seeing our meter showing energy sent back to NOVEC on these sunny winter days!

But, as you know, the process we had to wade through to get to an operational solar system was full of many hurdles.  While some of those hurdles were the accountability of our solar installer, the vast majority are obstacles and/or deficiencies in how difficult Prince William County, and the state of Virginia, make it for citizens and businesses to embrace and install solar energy systems.

We have been researching the feasibility of a solar system for our property since 2015.  Having now in 2020 finally completed our goal, we have documented some detailed recommendations for Prince William County and also for the state of Virginia.  These incentives and improvements are desperately needed, and we believe will far more effectively attract and incentivize many more county residents and businesses to go solar.

Prince William County, and the state of Virginia, will only achieve their solar energy goals by making distributed residential and business solar energy production more attractive and easier to achieve.

Our county must make solar process and incentive improvements if it is to accomplish its commitment for 100% electricity from renewable sources within 15 years – by 2035.

We welcome an opportunity for us, as well as additional knowledgeable private citizens, to meet and work with you and other county leaders to make county solar processes and incentives better.  We also ask county leadership to influence state legislation for the state solar incentives we outline, which will be game-changers for both residents and businesses.

I look forward to being advised of next steps on these recommendations.


Karen and Tom Sheehan

Gainesville district