CALL TO ACTION: October 23 – Show Up & Speak Up

Dear friends, neighbors, and supporters –

At one point the evening of October 15, before citizen’s time ended, before the last and 52nd person spoke to protect the rural crescent and in support of the resolution to stop cluster development and sewer extension into the rural crescent, a citizen asked all who were in favor of the resolution to stand, or to raise their hands.  With the exception of 6 large landowners who want to sell their land, the entire chamber stood, even some outside the room who could not find seats.  And while it is true that our community spoke eloquently, passionately, and with hard core facts, we did not prevail.  The vote was 3 to 5.  We have on record the excuses from the supervisors who voted in favor of keeping this flawed process in play.  You can view it all on the Coalition Facebook page, or at time marker 3:31:52 on the County site recording.

This is one skirmish we lost, but the battle is not over.  Remember – it was not easy to create the Rural Crescent 20 years ago.  And it won’t be easy to prevail now.  But we all know, when you believe in something, when you know you have the future in your hands, you cannot simply give up or give in.

At the next meeting, instead only filling the Board Chambers, we need a full outer atrium as well, and a full balcony.  Not just 100 people, but every person to show up – every person who cares about what Prince William County will be and will look like in the future.  This isn’t the time for you to think that someone else can speak on your behalf.

The Planning Commissioners, Planning Staff, and Board of Supervisors need to see us, and hear points of view from all of us.  We can rise above the frustrations and disappointments we are experiencing, to fully and effectively speak our truth.  The truth that is right, for all citizens of our county.

The Rural Crescent is our legacy to leave behind.  We won’t stop standing up to be heard, and expecting our representative democracy to work for the many – not just for the few who want to cash out at our expense.

The next step in the process is the Rural Plan work session at the Planning Commission, next Wednesday, October 23.  Citizens will be permitted to make comments and ask questions.  We must ensure that all our salient and credible points and concerns are officially recorded on the record.  Please – make the time to show up next Wednesday evening.

Thank you for being dedicated to the future of our Prince William County – it is worth it.

Wednesday, October 23

Planning Commission Work Session:  Rural Area Preservation Plan

6 – 8:30 PM

Board Chambers, McCoart Building
1 County Complex Court

Find the latest Planning Office proposals here.