Oct 15 – BOCS Vote – Rural Area Resolution

Attend the Board of Supervisors’ vote next Tuesday night, 7:30 PM October 15, to demonstrate support for the resolution to end the current flawed process that is underway.

Supervisors Lawson, Candland, and Principi have introduced a resolution to stop the proposed programs to add housing density in the rural area, and instead focus on protecting the Rural Crescent as the smart growth tool that has effectively guided growth in this county for 20 years. (Resolution. Press Conference.) Given that every recommendation by Planning staff has been a distorted attempt to promote high density housing development in the rural area, it is time to say enough already.

But these supervisors need our help to impress upon all the members of the Board that any proposals to develop the Rural Crescent result in everyone losing.  We now have a real chance to stop this process.  The outcry to protect the Rural Crescent, by a margin of 10-1, has not gone unnoticed.

We need to fill the Board Chambers and the Atrium at the McCoart building with Rural Crescent and Smart Growth supporters. With an overwhelming show of support, we not only send a message to this Board, but just as importantly, to the next Board.  We can stop this insanity now.

You don’t have to speak, unless you want to.  But your dedication to preserving our rural area, by taking the time to show up, cannot be easily dismissed when the Board votes that evening on the supervisors’ resolution to stop the development proposals into the Rural Crescent.

There is no other Northern Virginia community like Prince William County – let’s keep it that way!

Tuesday, October 15

7:30 PM

Board Chambers, McCoart Building
1 County Complex Court