Silver Lake and Tough Mudder – UPDATE

Silver Lake and Tough Mudder – 10/1/19

Dear Friends,

I want to update you on commitments I made regarding the Tough Mudder event from Silver Lake Park. Over the last several months, we have been working with Tough Mudder and the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department to find an alternative location for the Tough Mudder outdoor obstacle race event in Prince William.

I am pleased to announce that Tough Mudder has reached an agreement with the private owners of Camp Snyder to hold their event at the camp moving forward. This will still allow our citizens the opportunity to participate in an event many people enjoyed this past spring, while not risking damage to our beautiful Silver Lake Park.

Additionally, the existing contract between Prince William County and Tough Mudder will be terminated immediately. While the County will be offering some tourism incentives for the event, the new agreement reached is exclusively between Tough Mudder and Scouts BSA. The Tough Mudder event earlier this year was very well attended and provided the platform for tourism dollars to be spent in local hotels, restaurants, and shops. We are excited to keep this event in Prince William County, while at the same time protecting our parks.

Thanks again for your insight and support. If you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Pete Candland, Supervisor
Gainesville Magisterial District


Parks, Recreation and Tourism Director Seth Hendler-Voss Tough Mudder Virginia update to BOCS 10/2/19:  Tough Mudder Seth Hendler Voss Update 100219