REMINDER: Rural Crescent Town Hall, Monday, Sept. 10

Rural Crescent Town Hall

Monday, September 10

7 PM

Battlefield High School
15000 Graduation Drive, Haymarket

 Hosted by Supervisor Pete Candland and Delegate Tim Hugo

Here are the details about the Town Hall:  announcement

This is YOUR OPPORTUNITY to tell Supervisor Candland and Delegate Hugo what you want, and what you think about the proposals in the May 2014 Rural Preservation Study Final Report:

– Changes to the Rural Area which will increase Traffic, Taxes, and Trailers in our schools.

– “Transitional Ribbon” proposals would allow public sewer extensions into the Rural Area and increase density in these “ribbons” anywhere from 1 to 2.5 homes per acre.

– “Cluster development” proposals for development of homes on anywhere from 1 to 5 acres, introducing greater density and sewer within the Rural Crescent.

Appropriate compensation and incentives for large land-owners within the Rural Crescent; and enduring county support for Agri-business.

Check out all the latest updates on our website.