Tim Hugo: Statement on SCC accepting Dominion Energy’s application to bury Haymarket power lines


Tim Hugo

July 27, 2018

Contact: Dean Goodson
(703) 815-1201


Delegate Hugo’s statement on State Corporation Commission accepting Dominion Energy’s application to bury Haymarket power lines

Fairfax, VA – Yesterday, the State Corporation Commission (SCC) issued an order approving Dominion Energy’s request to construct the Haymarket power lines along the I-66/Hybrid route.

“Now that the State Corporation Commission has accepted Dominion’s application, western Prince William County residents can be assured that the Haymarket power lines will be buried,” said Delegate Tim Hugo. “This community-led effort, which I was proud to contribute to, will ensure the quality of life in western Prince William County is maintained. Last year, I promised to pass legislation to bury the power lines, and working together, we did.”

The SCC’s approval to underground the power lines can be found here.