Impacts on birds and bats by big powerlines
Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (A great resource for checking out the local birds and other wildlife within 3 miles of a location). The protected status of a species is shown in the Status column with these values:
FE=Federal Endangered; FT=Federal Threatened; SE=State Endangered; ST=State Threatened; FP=Federal Proposed; FC=Federal Candidate; FS=Federal Species of Concern; CC=Collection Concern
Sample output centered on Antioch Church (go to the site and enter your address to get a report for your area)
Observations reported or potential habitat occurs within a 3 mile radius around point Antioch Populated Place Prince William (at 38,51,32.4 -77,41,09.9) in 061 Fauquier County, 153 Prince William County, VA
601 Known or Likely Species ordered by Status Concern for Conservation
(displaying first 32) (32 species with Status* or Tier I** or Tier II** )
(displaying first 32) (32 species with Status* or Tier I** or Tier II** )
BOVA Code | Status* | Tier** | Common Name | Scientific Name |
010032 | FESE | II | Sturgeon, Atlantic | Acipenser oxyrinchus |
060003 | FESE | II | Wedgemussel, dwarf | Alasmidonta heterodon |
060006 | SE | II | Floater, brook | Alasmidonta varicosa |
030062 | ST | I | Turtle, wood | Glyptemys insculpta |
040096 | ST | I | Falcon, peregrine | Falco peregrinus |
040129 | ST | I | Sandpiper, upland | Bartramia longicauda |
040293 | ST | I | Shrike, loggerhead | Lanius ludovicianus |
040379 | ST | I | Sparrow, Henslow’s | Ammodramus henslowii |
060081 | ST | II | Floater, green | Lasmigona subviridis |
040292 | ST | Shrike, migrant loggerhead | Lanius ludovicianus migrans | |
050022 | FP | Bat, northern long-eared | Myotis septentrionalis | |
010038 | FC | IV | Alewife | Alosa pseudoharengus |
010045 | FC | Herring, blueback | Alosa aestivalis | |
100248 | FS | I | Fritillary, regal | Speyeria idalia idalia |
040093 | FS | II | Eagle, bald | Haliaeetus leucocephalus |
100154 | FS | II | Butterfly, Persius duskywing | Erynnis persius persius |
100166 | FS | II | Skipper, Dotted | Hesperia attalus slossonae |
060029 | FS | III | Lance, yellow | Elliptio lanceolata |
030063 | CC | III | Turtle, spotted | Clemmys guttata |
030012 | CC | IV | Rattlesnake, timber | Crotalus horridus |
010077 | I | Shiner, bridle | Notropis bifrenatus | |
040372 | I | Crossbill, red | Loxia curvirostra | |
040225 | I | Sapsucker, yellow-bellied | Sphyrapicus varius | |
040319 | I | Warbler, black-throated green | Dendroica virens | |
040306 | I | Warbler, golden-winged | Vermivora chrysoptera | |
040052 | II | Duck, American black | Anas rubripes | |
040036 | II | Night-heron, yellow-crowned | Nyctanassa violacea violacea | |
040213 | II | Owl, northern saw-whet | Aegolius acadicus | |
040105 | II | Rail, king | Rallus elegans | |
040320 | II | Warbler, cerulean | Dendroica cerulea | |
040304 | II | Warbler, Swainson’s | Limnothlypis swainsonii | |
040266 | II | Wren, winter | Troglodytes troglodytes |
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