Mark Leighton Candidate Questionnaire 6/3/24

Mark Leighton                                                                                                                                                              June 3, 2024

CANDIDATE FOR: Virginia 10th District



Right now, data centers alone account for 20% of the electricity provided statewide by Dominion Energy, and over 50% of the electricity provided by NOVEC service territory.  Those percentages are growing.   Do you think this is sustainable?  What is your position on the growth of Data Centers in northern Virginia over the past decade?   (Please provide response here)

Data centers are obviously expanding at too fast a rate for the surrounding communities to safely absorb.  I do not think this high growth rate is sustainable.  More must be done to manage their growth responsibly.


The Coalition to Save Prince William County is currently participating in a lawsuit to block the Digital Gateway, which would site 23 million square feet of Data Centers within a half-mile of Manassas National Battlefield Park.   Will you support Federal legislation to prohibit Data Centers within close proximity of national parks and historic sites?   (Please provide response here)

Yes.  National parts and historic sites attract people largely for their scenic views.  If those views are despoiled by encroachment of data centers, then they will suffer as a result.  I support federal laws prohibiting data centers from adversely impacting areas of historical attractions.


The growth of Data Centers requires the use of additional power plants, mainly coal-fired and gas-fired, to provide sufficient “baseload” power, thereby nullifying the purpose of the Virginia Clean Economy Act passed in 2020.   Will you support Federal legislation to limit Data Centers by requiring that they only use renewable sources and comply with the federal governments energy star program ENERGY STAR NextGen Certification for Commercial Buildings | ENERGY STAR? (Please provide response here)

I support federal rules regulating data centers’ power consumption and requiring them to use more renewable energy and other non-fossil fuel sources of power.


Given the explosive load demand from Data Centers that is triggering transmission lines which cross not only county boundaries but also state lines, is it appropriate that the Federal government usurp State authority by designating power corridors under the jurisdiction of NIETC? (Please provide response here)

Interstate transmission of power is a clear issue of federal concern, so yes, I would support federal regulation of transmission lines.


Public utilities have a cost sharing structure that spreads investments for new transmission and generation across all rate payers.  Given that the Data Center industry is the trigger for a significant portion of the new transmission and generation infrastructure, in what ways do you support a more appropriate cost shift to the data center industry? (Please provide response here)

Clearly, additional costs that are traceable solely to data centers should be borne by the data centers.


As a federal official, in order to understand the cumulative impacts of the data center industry demand on power, water, and agricultural land, will you support a comprehensive report on the impacts to those critical resources? (Please provide response here)



Please share your understanding of the impacts of data center development on both ground and surface water resources.  How would you address Data Centers’ impervious surfaces impacts and water consumption to protect access to clean water?  (Please provide response here)

Data centers, just like any industry that has the potential to have an outsized impact on the surrounding environment, must be required to minimize their effects on the land and water and take steps to avoid harm, especially to nearby lands not part of the data centers.


Provide any additional information that outlines steps you have taken to protect citizens against data center proliferation. (Please provide response here)

One of my first press releases was discussing the topic of data centers.  I called for federal regulation on national security grounds, which to my knowledge is an avenue of criticism that has not been raised before.  The concentration of such a large segment of our internet infrastructure within such a small area is dangerous, because a hostile actor could strike and easily cripple a huge portion of our internet system.  My plan calls for Congress to set a standard of a maximum number of data centers per square mile, in order to space them out and not have a super-concentration in one area.


Will you use your position as a member of Congress to speak to the issue of data center proliferation?  (Please provide response here)

Yes.  Congress regulates interstate commerce, and data centers are the definition of interstate commerce.  It is entirely appropriate that Congress weighs in on this issue to manage it effectively.