Send Email: Citizens DEMAND DEQ Oversight and Pollution Alerts Posted onFebruary 22, 2023February 23, 2023AuthorKaren Click on the yellow banner in the top of the form below to read the message. You can add your own personal comments. Enter your name, street address, town, state, zip code, phone number, and email address in the form (info required by DEQ). Finally, click on the orange “Send Email” button at the bottom of the form. Your message will be sent to the VA DEQ and the PWC Board of Supervisors. Citizens DEMAND DEQ Oversight and Pollution AlertsRead or Edit the Petition Ms. Mr. Miss. Mrs. Mx. Dr. Dear Ms. Sabasteanski and Mr. Rolband - Regarding DEQ\'s proposed waiver: AN ORDER GRANTING A TEMPORARY LOCAL VARIANCE FOR THE OPERATION OF TIER II AND TIER IV EMERGENCY GENERATORS BY DATA CENTERS LOCATED IN FAIRFAX, LOUDOUN, AND PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTIES DURING PERIODS OF PJM INITIATED ALERTS, WARNINGS, OR ACTIONS AS A PRECAUTIONARY MEASURE: According to the EPA: \"The health effects of particle pollution exposure can range from relatively minor (e.g., eye and respiratory tract irritation) to more serious health effects (e.g., exacerbation of asthma and heart failure, and premature death). Fine particles are respiratory irritants, and exposures to high concentrations can cause persistent coughing, phlegm, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. Even in healthy people, exposures to fine particles can potentially lead to transient reductions in lung function, and pulmonary inflammation.” Citizens demand that DEQ properly enforce oversight studies on the number of particles and pollutants for real time impacts EACH time the data center diesel generators turn on. Citizens demand to be alerted and forewarned when data centers receive their instructions from PJM to kick on their generators within a pre-determined \"blast zone.\" Citizens demand to be informed how the radius is determined for citizen notification.You can add formatting using markdown syntax - read more Send Email 311 signatures Share this with your friends: Share this:ShareFacebookEmailPrint